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Creating wealth from knowledge

The DTI?s programme ?Creating Wealth from Knowledge? has evolved due to the realisation that the economy and growth of Britain will be led by success in industry and associated research

The former Department of Trade and Industry?s (now the Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform [DBERR]) Five- Year Programme, ?Creating Wealth from Knowledge? maps out ?a new industrial policy?, which has a clear ambition to make Britain the most attractive place in the world for scientific research.

?Creating Wealth from Knowledge? states that Britain is winning in the global knowledge economy, but that the UK needs to do more to meet the challenge of rising economies such as China and India.

There is still a need for greater exploitation of science and technology and a step-change in innovation in the economy and workplaces. In terms of national innovation governance the government?s programme sets out how it intends to work with key stakeholders including business, employees and their trade unions, consumers and the science base, to help focus more on science and innovation, enterprise and investing in people. While the DBERR is the key government actor in UK innovation policy, a number of other departments and ministries undertake innovation-related activities, for example, by commissioning intra and extramural R&D in support of their departmental objectives.

There is still a need for greater exploitation of science and technology and a step-change in innovation in the economy and workplaces

Furthermore, the UK government is aiming to ensure that policy decisions and implementation are co-ordinated across all the government departments and agencies.

Among the proposals are the following:

A crucial part of the project is the focus on education and enhancing skills of employees. Part of these initiatives will be to make the UK more attractive to international students who have completed a doctorate in certain subject areas deemed to have shortages of skilled workers.Also, the percentage of young adults under 30 who achieve at least a level three qualification will be increased.

?Creating Wealth from Knowledge? states that Britain is winning in the global knowledge economy, but it needs to do more to meet the challenge of rising economies, such as China and India. It needs greater exploitation of science and technology and a step-change in innovation in the economy, and the workplace.

A crucial part of the project is the focus on education and enhancing skills of employees

The programme put forward a wide range of policies to help British business succeed in the global economy, including:


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